Problems You Can Face While on Chadar Trek

Chadar trek is one of the most challenging and adventurous treks in the Himalayas. So, before embarking on this trek it is important that you are both mentally and physically prepared to undertake the trek. The difficulties involved in this trek come in not one but many ways. Take a look at the top challenges that you might face during the course of Chadar Trek . Challenges faced on Chadar Trek Extreme Temperatures You must be very well aware of the atrocious temperature drops on Chadar Trek . It comes down to -30 degree Celsius, that can freeze the Zanskar River and also the waterfall of Nerak. All thanks to human anatomy, human beings warm-blooded have the ability to regulate high temperatures regardless of external temperatures. But definitely, that’s not enough. It is advisable that you carry your warmest of jackets on the trek in order to fight the bone-chilling cold. Also, you can consider layering up instead of opting to wear a single thick sweater or jacket. More the...